My heart is stirred by a noble
theme as I recite my verses
for the King... Ps 45:1a

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The 17-Syllable Devotional

About the Book


Haiku is a Japanese poetry form that consists of just three lines, the first and last containing just five syllables and the middle one seven. Two years ago, I had never even heard of it. Our son Josh brought it home from school as a homework assignment. Once he explained what it was and how it worked, I was hooked.

A wordsmith at heart with a penchant for being more than just a tad verbose, Haiku forces me to get my thoughts out in just seventeen syllables. While my early efforts were more of a secular and comedic nature, God quickly showed me that this was something He had given me to do for Him. To borrow a line from the movie “Chariots of Fire”, I feel God’s pleasure when I write.

Of course I’m really not writing anything that hasn’t already been written, I’m just writing it a little different. To be certain, it is the Word of God and the Holy Spirit which have provided any and all inspiration in "Christian Haiku - The 17-Syllable Devotional".


"Christian Haiku - The 17-Syllable Devotional" is a 128-page paperback book filled with simple devotional thoughts in haiku form. Each haiku page also includes a picture and supporting Scriptures. My hope is that the brevity of haiku (17-syllables) will help you find time for it and also serve to help keep the devotional thought(s) stuck in your mind throughout the day.

To view a few sample pages from the book, click here.

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